1. people still throw you a surprise birthday party! :D
this was sooo unexpected! i was fooled the whole way by farah. obviously. so here's the story.
on wednesday night, farah suddenly came to my room and asked me to follow her to OU coz there's a 70% off sale at forever 21 and there's a shirt she loves for only 50bucks. well, since it is chinese new year hols, that would be possible. i told her i will go if we go after my class ends at 3pm. she agreed and that's done.
on thursday, i was supposed to go and get a haircut with skem but she said the person in charge was bz the whole day. so, farah, ain and i went off to OU earlier than expected. upon our arrival, i led farah to forever 21 and search for the clothes that she wanted. unfortunately, we couldn't find the one she wants. heart broken, we went in search for food since farah keeps saying that she's hungry. ain asked us to follow her along to look foro her friend also, so we went with ain's plan first.
little did i know, nad, mar, myra, radzi and nesh were waiting for me where ain's 'friend' was supposed to be. i couldn't grasp the moment at that time and went behing a pillar and cried. i was so touched by the surprise that i was so ashamed of myself thinking they didn't care about my birthday at all. it was kind of embarassing since i rarely cried in front of them. haha. after a while, every bits and pieces were falling into place.
a) there was no shirt that cost 50bucks that farah wanted soo much but there was a 70% off sale. i was the one who ended up buying something from there. -_-;;
b) the person that was supposedly in charge for hair cutting was not busy AT ALL.
c) no wonder hajar was so mad when i told her i wanted to cut my hair before going to OU. she said i can cut it by myself. she actually wanted me to go to OU early.
d) there was so much more but i couldn't remember them. haha. ;p
you guys were great!! i had a blast!! thanks!!! XD
oh yeah, radzi paid for the movie tickets afterwards. thanks banyak2 radzi!!!!! :D
p/s: i didn't get a chance to take the pictures from anyone yet so be patient! huhu.
2. people still give you gifts! :D
3rd gift: a cute car-print shirt given by anes and yun!! thx guyz! dtg dr cfs just to celebrate my birthday! love you!! forgot to take a picture of it.. X(
there's still a few more presents to come but i didn't get it yet. haha. joking. but there is a present from nad but she didn't get a chance to give it to me yet. i'll be waiting nad! ;p and adni promises to do a birthday party for me and skem. i'll be wating for that too! XP
the presents i got this year is a lot more than before. honestly, i thank you all for it! i was seriously touched! X) and i'm sorry for all the whining about you guyz not being able to celebrate my birthday coz of the projects.
1. i'm getting old, obviously.
20 is not a good number for me. i feel sooo old since i'm not in the 'teen' area anymore. although i stilll acted like a teen, it doesn't reflect my age at all. i need to be more mature i guess. :(
2. i tend to forget about my health.
this happened the last night to be exact. i was on my way home with nik nadia izyan when we saw sea of people waiting to get on board on the ktm train. seriously, it was like 3 seas combined into 1! we were squished and stepped on since we're small and people pushed us aside. more over, the train was delayed 2 times!! some of them have waited for the train for 2 hours! imagine that. huh.
when we finally got on board, we were seriously squished men and women. it was disgusting! and there was a dude's butt at my thigh. yucks!! X( anyway, after half of the journey, my face and body started to feel cold and i got a massive headache. everything was kind of a blur. nik was busy talking to 3 other girls and i had to nudge her to pay attention to me. suddenly, everything went blank and all i can remember is people touching my face and asked me to sit down. i was kind of half-concious by the time i sat down.
when we arrived at shah alam station, they said i was still a bit pale so one sister had to help me to walk. it was embarassing though. but i thank nik and the 3 girls on the train that helped me. thanks a lot!!! >_< if they weren't there, i wouldn't have known what would have happened to me. god knows if it were my time to 'go'.
such a bitter experience though. :(
kan aku dah kate.. jangan balik time tu.. ramai sangat orang.. degey betul la budak neh..
*eh silap.. degey betul la KAKAK neh...
epi belated kak...
da 20 upernyer...tua da skang..
Hai kak BElllaaaa!! Yeay!!...finally kita sama umur!!!
whoa bebe!! happy birthday!!
selamat melangkah ke usia 20 macam aku. kita tak tua, kita dah matang! whee~~
20??ouh tuanya.haha
hepi besday si tua!
kaw tertinggal satu part penting dalam sejarah birthday kaw..
the "secret recipe" prepared by ecah,nasa n me..
cepat2 ,masukkan celita..
before aku yg cerita..beserta gambar2 berkenaan!
hahahahahhahahaha(very evil laugh)
selamat hari jadi yang kedua dekad!
haha, thx for da wishes walopown lambt... XP
turning 20 is not that bad laa..
org x dpt cam pown aku ni 20 ke 16...
hak3! XD
oh, okeng2 farah!
lupe plak nk cte part plg best tuh.. X)
n ajaa, kalo aku balek lagi lmbt, lagi lmbt dowh aku smpi uma...
tren die bangang2 aritu...
pelok je sesape dlm tren tuh..
weii..eventho aku telupe gile nk wish ko.. tp siyesss besh nye dpt shinee card tuh...wahh..jeles2..
hah, ko mmg..
aku nunggu je dr ko tau fannie! X(
membe aku buat kad tuh..
cantek kan?
da la ade 'shinee' tuh.. ;p
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