Name -->Nabilah bt Rusdi (sape salah eja, rotan!)
Skipped a few questions.haha.too many too list down(i'll be doing the same imah since i don't know what questions you skipped. huhu)
Where do you live --> shah alam bandar aman =]
Have you ever been on a plane -->yeah. wish i could ride it again! X(
Swam in the ocean --> sape x penah?! mmg sgt best especially bile air laut masok mate. haha.
Fallen asleep at school --> byk kali sgt until i lost count. cikgu yg tukang kjot nyer pown cam x ikhlas je nk kjot so tdo la balik. ape lagi.
Broken someone’s heart --> think so. ingat lagi time die mintak kapel tu die cakap, 'tolong la jangan reject. nnt saye xbole buat pmr'. sape suroh mintak time pmr nk dekat? plik.
Fell off your chair --> byk kali! paling memalukn skali jatoh kat mid valley tu haa. bajet comel are maen2 ngan kusi. skali jatoh, haa cam nangke busok.
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call -->rase2 cam pnah je. haha. tp x ingt bile. bodoh nyer diri ini.
Saved e-mails --> sume nyer disimpan kecuali spam dan notice2 dr fs, ms etc.
What is your room like --> dull white and ade bkas2 lkat poster and sgt padat since 3 ank dare cun yg tinggal di dlm nyer.
What’s right beside you --> my phones. mesti ade di sisi, kalo x nnt tlalu leka ngan laptop ni. hppown nk phatian gak.
What is the last thing you ate --> McD(lagik). padan la aku ni tembam. haih.
Ever had…
Chicken pox -->yup. sume org akn kna skali seumor idop bai.Sore throat -->haha. plg suke kalo kna ni. sore seksi gile! ;p
Stitches -->tak pernah. akn avoid sbaik mungkin sbb tkot tgk darah. adoyai.
Do you believe in love at first sight --> depends on who i fell in love with. ;) [gile player bunyik]
Like picnics --> haha. bgantong kpd mood sbb slalu dtg mood baek, balek mesti bad mood. ntah knape.
Who was/were…
The last person you danced with --> skem! ingat x ape jadik kat bilik skem?! :D [oh lupe, skem jarang bace blog ni]
Last made you smile --> my dad for bringing home food! [McD]
You last yelled at --> adek2 laki ku. sungguh la suke gadoh nyer. camni dpt la aku sore seksi lagik!
did you talk to someone you like --> sape yg daku suke? =/
Kissed anyone --> haha. xde mood nk cium2 org aih.
Get sick --> xde la kot. saket mate ade la lame sgt tgk screenlptp neh.
Talk to an ex -->aku ade sorg je ex. itu pown ntah ilang ke mane da. [faiz. mane ko?]
Miss someone --> kwn2 ku. cpat la rabu! nk kua same mreka! :D
Who do you really hate --> cikgu ckp kn, xbaek tau benci org. kalo kite benci sorg, nnt 10org akn benci kite balek.
Do you like your handwriting -->bole la. comel sebab bulat2 cam tuan nyer. tp aku x cakap aku comel tau.
Are your toed- nails painted --> buat ape?! kang nk smayang kna buang balek. pnat je cat cantek2.
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in -->saye punye SHJ. kadang2 x ske gak org tdo kat katel ku. ade katil sendiri, buatpe nk tdo kat katel org?
What color shirt are you wearing now --> biru. tshirt merah sume tgh basoh. haha, tipu la kalo sume kna basoh plak kn. basoh baju ari2 plak tu.
Are you a friendly person --> org kate la. tp kalo jumpe tok ptame kali mungkin aku nmpk ayu n malu2.
Do you have any pets --> nk tp malas nk basoh tahi mreka. make jwpn nyer xde.
Do you sleep with the TV on -->dlu ye. skang x. aku da bijak untuk saving tnge elektrik.;)
What are you doing right now --> mjawab ini soalan sambil bmaen rambot. pjg sgt da.
Can you handle the truth --> bgantong kpd care individu tu mnyampaikn nyer. kalo muke cam tahi, tahi la jwpn aku. kalo muke cam johnny depp, aku akn tnong mate anda. haha.
Are you closer to your mother or father -->mom. abah suke menyepi kn diri. knape? :(
Do you eat healthy --> maseh mcube sbb mknn x sihat la yg byk djual skang. haih.
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex --> tlah dibakar stelah abah tjumpe gamba2 tuh.
If you’re having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to --> no one. saye x suke kongsi masalah dgn kawn. dorg pown da cukop masalah da.
Are you loud or quiet most of the time --> depends. sape bising, aku bising skali. sape syp, aku syp skali. have respect for other ppl la beb.
Are you confident --> dlu ye tp stelah memalukn dri time presentation satu ketike dlu, tros ilang. xde la ilang sume tp.
5 things I was doing 10 years ago
-darjah 3 amik PTS(same la kite imah! :D)
-kantoi tiru exam buat ptame kali nyer. aku x terer bahagi mase dahulu hale.
-di lantik mjadi pngawas yg paling knit kat skola tu.
-bsajak patriotik. naek pentas tros lupe sajak so aku buat sajak sendiri.
-anugerah ape ntah. dlu mase dajah 1-3, aku la di antare yg bijak2. skang, ramai lagi bijak.
5 things I would do if I were a billionaire
-bagi mak ngan abah g haji
-beli kilang cekelat n cat bangunan tu kale merah.
-nak drop dr amek archy.
-beli choki2 tok kawan2 ku =]
-kasik la duit poket tok adek2 yg ku (ehem) sayang.
5 of my bad habits
-suke pendam dendam
-stie pd org yg salah
-gelak x rupe pompuan da
-suke kua tanpe btau mak ngan abah. kalo accident camne nabilah?! pikir2.
5 place you lived
-cheras?(tikl n uma lame)
-gombak! :D
-troy, ny
5 names you tag
-sape yg tringin nk buat tu buat la. pnat nk g stiap blog n cakap "anda tlah di tag oleh saye! :D"
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in -->saye punye SHJ. kadang2 x ske gak org tdo kat katel ku. ade katil sendiri, buatpe nk tdo kat katel org?
ok aku AMAT TERASA!!
pasni janji xtdo katil kaw dah..thankx neeway cuz bagi aku menyempit kat katil kamu selama ini!=]
maksod aku, aku x suke tido kateyl org la ngokngek...
x perlu trase2 neh... ;p
mai je la tdo bilik aku..
ngade2 nk majok plak...
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